Thursday, June 3, 2010

Moving along on the build

I think I became too technical in previous posts on the build. So I will move along a little more quickly and focus on how i solved problems in building my first wooden boat. I planking the boat I found that making the gains went easier if you used a drmeml tool equipped with a smalll circular cutter to make the initial kerf cut to start the gain. Arch suggests using a saw to make this cut but I found this cumbersome and inaccurate so I used the dremel tool to make a nice controlled cut. I then used chisel and rabbett plane to form the gain which would allow for the plank above to blend in with the one below as it approachd the stem.I had good success making these gains which were 16 inches long. I love the way the planks at the bow blend into a coniuous flat the merges with the stem.